护理 & 与美世同行


护理 & 与美世一起98858威尼斯70570是独一无二的, 提供独立指导的首创服务, 为计划家庭照顾长者提供支援及意见.


选择老年护理是一项具有挑战性、耗时且令人困惑的工作. 护理 & 与美世一起98858威尼斯70570是独一无二的 service helping ageing Australians and their carers understand and more easily access care and living options. 

护理 & 与美世同行 provides comprehensive guidance and advice to help families understand and arrange every step along an ageing care journey; from first needing a little support at home, 调整规模或步入退休98858威尼斯70570, 一直到居家护理和临终计划. 我们提供的建议是全面的,以人为本的,绝对独立的. 护理 & 与美世同行 is a national service and has helped Australians in every state and territory.

护理 & 与美世同行’s guidance and advice is made available to Australians through their employer or superannuation fund as a benefit, 或者通过选定的财务顾问. 



A highly experienced team of Australian-based 护理 Consultants provides specialised guidance and advice – digitally and on a one to one basis.  

人们首先在我们的数字门户网站上制定个性化的护理计划, 为自己或所爱的人.  Our comprehensive tool guides families through each step of the ageing care system to help them better understand their options and arrange the right support for themselves or their family member.  Our care consultants are on hand to help carers work through a wide array of queries and potential stumbling blocks and offer them confidential support as they navigate new territory and difficult decisions. 

当护理需求变得更加紧急或尖锐时,护理 & 与美世同行还提供更专业的护理礼宾服务. Our one-to-one 护理礼宾服务 is paid for directly by the user of our service and offers a comprehensive plan, 安置服务和支持,在需要时找到后备护理. 护理礼宾团队与家庭携手合作,评估需求并确保高质量的护理, 并且习惯于帮助家庭应对时间紧迫的情况. 

我们认识到关怀的责任有多种形式.  我们帮助孙辈和子女赡养祖父母和父母. Chosen families of all kinds working together across generations to support elderly relatives or other loved ones. Couples and individuals planning ahead to ensure they are in control of their future and not leaving difficult decisions to their relatives. 所有人都从我们的指导中受益 & 我们的关怀礼宾服务提供建议. 


澳大利亚的人口正在老龄化. 事实上:

  • 到2055年,23%的澳大利亚人将超过65岁
  • By 2055, almost one-quarter of Australians will be aged 45-65 years and potential carers supporting their parents
  • 目前,八分之一的澳大利亚工作人员是护理人员
  • 70%的主要照顾者是妇女 

This demographic shift is placing increasing demands on care providers and the ageing care system as a whole. 这个系统被认为是复杂的, 对于家庭来说,要获得所需的护理既耗时又困难. 

这就是护理 & 和默瑟一起98858威尼斯70570. 我们易于使用的在线门户网站生成详细, 个性化的, 循序渐进的老年护理“路线图”. 我们的专业护理咨询团队care & 与美世同行 provides all the guidance and advice Australians need to successfully navigate every aspect of ageing care and secure the care outcome they need. 


随着澳大利亚人寿命的延长, 家庭和工作场所将越来越多地受到护理需求的影响. The responsibility to support and care for our older Australians often falls to their “adult children”, 通常还在工作. 这些责任将越来越多地导致计划外休假, 生产力下降,甚至人才流失. 

 Our research shows that it can take between 100 and 300 hours to research and implement a new care arrangement. 出于必要,其中许多时间是在典型的办公时间. 通过为这个复杂而耗时的过程提供解决方案来帮助您的员工. 通过访问我们易于使用的在线门户网站, your employees can better understand the care and lifestyle options that are available to their loved ones and how best to access that care. 进一步, your employees will have full access to our highly experienced care consulting team to talk through any issues or questions they may have relating to ageing care and living. 

你将加强你的关怀文化, positively influence your employee value proposition and give employees time and energy back in their days. They will also gain greater confidence that their loved ones can live better and longer lives with independence, 尊严和安全. 


98858威尼斯70570, 使他们能够维持他们的控制, 独立和尊严贯穿于他们的老年之旅.&,


护理 & 与美世同行 provides comprehensive guidance and advice to help families understand and arrange every step along an ageing care journey; from first needing a little support at home, 调整规模或步入退休98858威尼斯70570, 一直到居家护理和临终计划. 我们提供的建议是全面的,以人为本的,绝对独立的. 护理 & 与美世同行 is a national service and has helped Australians in every state and territory.

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养老之旅往往是退休计划拼图中缺失的一块. 你的客户通常会选择比退休后少花钱, 因为他们担心未来可能的护理费用. 帮助你的客户计划他们将在哪里以及如何98858威尼斯70570, 使他们能够维持他们的控制, 独立和尊严贯穿于他们的老年之旅. 

护理 & 与美世同行 provides comprehensive guidance and advice to help families understand and arrange every step along an ageing care journey; from first needing a little support at home, 调整规模或步入退休98858威尼斯70570, 一直到居家护理和临终计划. 我们提供的建议是全面的,以人为本的,绝对独立的. 护理 & 与美世同行 is a national service and has helped Australians in every state and territory.



Superannuation Funds are ideally placed to support their members’ ageing journey by working with us. 我们的用户基础的全部频谱将在您的会员中得到代表. 

帮助会员, and their families understand their options for ageing care will enable better ageing care plans and better design and implementation of care arrangements. Importantly our guidance and advice can also enable more robust and informed forecasting of expenses and the assets required for future care needs. This can help your members better determine the level of retirement income they can afford to drawdown. This is particularly effective when our care and living advice is used in coordination with your fund’s financial advice to develop truly holistic retirement plans. 

As funds increasingly compete directly for membership, offering your members benefits like 护理 & 与美世同行 can greatly enhance your service proposition and play a role in member retention into and beyond retirement. 通过赞助这项服务, you can remove the fee barrier for all members to access unlimited “Guidance and Advice” for their ageing care and living needs, 无论他们在衰老的过程中处于什么位置. 


护理 & 与美世同行 provides guidance and advice on all ageing care scenarios to help you help the people you love. Our guidance and advice is provided through your employer, your financial adviser or your super fund.  请下载我们的 宣传册 要了解我们提供的服务,请98858威尼斯70570,了解如何获得我们的支持. 如果您的情况更严重或紧急,请立即与我们联系 护理礼宾服务 我能帮忙吗.
要98858威尼斯70570的团队,请填写下面的表格,发送电子邮件至careandliving@toolimmo.net或致电1300 222 566与我们的护理顾问交谈

关于护理 & 与美世同行

98858威尼斯70570, 居家养老和临终规划.

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护理 & 和默瑟一起98858威尼斯70570是值得信任的, 独立的, 易于使用的服务,为所有澳大利亚人提供更好的老年护理选择. 我们的服务包括指导和建议, 实施护理安排和后备护理支持.

无论你发现自己处于什么境地, we are here to help – our service supports families Australia-wide through the full spectrum of care, 从居家护理到退休98858威尼斯70570, 居家养老和临终规划.


To learn how 美世 can assist with your workforce planning and employee retirement strategies complete the form below and a 美世 Consultant will be in contact with you.